John 8:36

"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Why do you repent?

"Or do you despise the riches of His kindness, restraint, and patience, not recognizing that God's kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?"
Romans 2:4

        Have you ever loved someone? A mother, brother, wife, sister, girlfriend, boyfriend? When you love someone you do all in your power to please that person, even if it means doing something you don't really like or sacrificing something that you do really like. You don't do it to earn the love of that person, but because they already love you and you want to show them how much you love them in return. Showing your love to someone isn't something you can do just by saying it every now and then, or maybe talking to them every once and a while, it's a process that goes on 24/7. You show that you love them through your actions, your sacrifices, and you always want to spend more and more time with that person. 
        Christ's sacrifice on the cross makes it possible for us to have a loving relationship with our Father once again. Just like an earthly relationship, to show love to the Father for loving us when we didn't deserve it we repent of our sins. It is so important to understand that no amount of repentance can earn us salvation, or God's love. We repent not to earn His affections, but because we love Him for His kindness and mercy toward us. When you truly understand what He did for you on that cross, and you accept His kindness and grace, it is intended to give you a desire to please Him. Sin doesn't please God, but turning away from it does. 
         If you are struggling to find a desire to please God, study the scriptures, study what He has done, and ask Him to give you a desire to please Him. Scripture is the living and active words of our Creator, and studying His word is the way by which you can personally get to know Him. It is great to hear about Him from a pastor or minister but those are just second-hand accounts. Take time to actually get to know Him through His words, and the more you read of His goodness the harder you will fall for Him and His great kindness toward us.