John 8:36

"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Psalm 12:6

"The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver and refined in an earthen furnace, purified seven times."
Psalm 12:6

    Have you ever been lied to? Maybe by a parent, or friend? Have you ever believed something, only to find out that person was just deceiving you? I imagine that David felt as if there was nothing truthful or pure left in the world while writing this psalm. He starts it out by crying out to God saying, "Help, Lord, for no faithful one remains." Sometimes we have moment where we don't even know what to believe anymore, everyone seems to be lying or have some sort of hidden agenda with their words. 

    In this Psalm, David is distressed because their seems to be nobody left that is still loyal to God. He feels that everyone and everything around him is deceitful and lying. In fact, he wasn't wrong. We live in a world where every human being is flawed, and every word spoken from humans is biased and filled with opinion. Even the words I write aren't flawless. There is only one source of absolute truth in our world today, and David proclaims it in the 6th verse of this psalm. Only the words of the Lord are pure, faultless, and never failing. He describes it as being purified seven times, referring to the fullest sense, that no person can ever surpass this limit. There is nothing more perfect or flawless than His words. 

   Have you really trusted His words? Have you really spent time in His Word? Paul tells us in Romans 12:2 to "not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God." We can only know what is good, pleasing, and perfect by studying His word and what He says. When we pick and choose what is true and what doesn't apply in God's word, we are worshipping an idol, something other than the true God. When we pick and choose who God is, we create our own God, other than Yahweh. Living in a world full of deceit and no absolute truth, we must study His Word so that we can know the difference between what is true and what is not, and what God's will really is, not what the world tells us it is. If you really want to know God, you must spend time in His word, not just listen to who people say He is. 

   How can you possibly claim to know God if you've only heard second-hand accounts of who He is, from people who are imperfect and flawed? You can get more than a second-hand account of who He is, you have access to the words spoken by and inspired by the Creator Himself. Study His word and discover for yourself who He is, because His word is the only source of absolute truth. 

1 comment:

  1. So true So many Christians starve their faith because they don't consume the word and it's sad because that's the biggest thing I see in lives of Christians who are losing their faith is they don't read at all. I can never say "they don't read enough" cause I know I don't read as much as I should and I have no right to Judge, but if you don't read God's direct manual for our life then how will you know Him or how to live. Also when you don't know God's word, your chance for believing a Lie is so much higher because you won't be able to discern what is truth or lie because they don't know the Truth.
